Sometimes a car seems like the only way to get around Toledo. But if you want to reduce the cost of parking and time just trying to find a place to park, there are other alternatives that may be just what you need. From bus routes to scooters, you can make your way to and around campus without needing a car. Check out our list below.
Bus Transportation
The University of Toledo bus routes are all operated through an agreement with the company Groome Transportation. Students, staff and faculty can ride the routes for free with a Rocket ID card. Do you want to know when the next bus is scheduled? You can track buses in real-time using the TransLoc app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Keep an eye out for the white buses to catch your next ride.
Electric Scooter Share Program
Recently, the University has invested in various micro-mobility initiatives, with the latest operating as an electric scooter program through the company VEO. The VEO scooters are available for use from August-mid-November and mid-March to May, as the batteries do not hold a charge in colder temperatures. Last spring, the University expanded the program to include not only standing e-scooters but also seated e-scooters and bikes. Do you want to ride? Download the VEO app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and find out in real-time where the closest scooters or bikes are located and their charge levels. It costs a dollar to unlock the scooters and bikes; the cost to ride, however, varies by type: the standing scooter is 35 cents a minute, while the seated scooter is 40 cents a minute. What’s the cheapest ride? The bikes are only five cents a minute and are great exercise. The app also offers promotions and discounts so that you can ride for less.
Note: For safety, scooters and bikes are disabled from midnight to 5 a.m. and returned to their original locations.

Bike Corrals
Want to ride your bike to campus? UToledo has several bike corrals installed throughout campus so you can lock up your bike securely while on campus. The corrals are enclosed, have camera monitoring and are accessible only by Rocket ID card. You can also maintain your bike with the free air pump.

TARPS (Toledo Area Regional Paratransit Service)
There are specific transportation options on campus and for getting around the city for those with mobility challenges/special accommodations. If you need assistance getting transportation with mobile equipment, you can receive transportation services through TARTA’s TARPS program by registering here. These services run throughout the calendar year — you can check out the rates here to find a ride package that best suits your needs.

With these money-saving options, you can save time looking for parking and spend your fuel dollars where you want to!