How to Improve the Quality of Your Coffee on Campus

Staying caffeinated on a tight budget can be difficult in college, and time is equally expensive amidst endless due dates and study sessions. So how can you enjoy quality coffee without the high café cost? Here are some inexpensive ways to get a great brew in your dorm room. 

Try cold brew.

Cold Brew allows for coffee extraction over time instead of conventional heat and pressure methods. This method also allows you to brew in bulk, so it makes for quick mornings where all you need to do is pour and go. For those who prefer coffee with less bitter taste and acidity, this method is a good option.

Sample recipe

Do you like espresso? Try these methods. 

If you want espresso without the expensive equipment and time, try the Aeropress. The Aeropress allows you to manually extract your coffee in as little as 60 seconds (depending on what coffee you’re making). It’s also made from plastic, so it’s very durable and lightweight. It’s highly adjustable to taste, so you can make a light or a strong brew quickly with one simple machine. 

Sample recipe

Though not technically an espresso, if you have access to a simple electric burner, the Moka pot will make a strong brew with little time as well. Depending on the fineness of the grind and how well you tamp the coffee, the brew can also vary in strength. Traditionally, the Moka pot comes in a 6-cup size, but these days you can purchase the pot in various cup sizes to best suit your coffee consumption.

Sample recipe

Want a simple brew without the fuss? Try a pour-over.

Do you want a smooth cup without a machine? Try the pour-over method. 

Pour-over funnels can vary in style, but generally, the ceramic cone is perfect for brewing a single cup of coffee. If you don’t want to invest in the filters (which are not a standard cone coffee maker type) you can purchase a reusable stainless steel one.

Sample recipe

If you like the taste of the pour-over but want your cup to go further, you can also try the Chemex, a large hourglass-shaped pot that allows you to brew multiple cups at a time. Like other smaller pour-over options, you can get a reusable filter for this setup as well to save on filter replacement costs.

Sample recipe